Posted inDental Hygiene

Do Muscle Relaxers Help with Tooth Pain

muscle relaxers help with tooth pain

Worldwide, more than 25% of people are experiencing tooth pain. It is a sharp and shocking pain that disturbs our daily lives and makes it difficult to perform simple tasks like eating, talking, and sleeping. Common causes of tooth pain are cavities, tooth decay, gum disease, tooth injury, and dental infection. Muscle relaxers are designed to reduce muscle tension and spasms. When people experience tooth pain, they try different things to get relief from pain, like pain relievers, prescription medications, and home remedies. But what about muscle relaxers? Medicines that are designed to relax muscles can also reduce tooth pain. In this blog post, we’ll explore the potential of muscle relaxers for reducing tooth pain and examine their effectiveness and safety.

Understanding tooth pain

Different people experience different types of tooth pain according to their dental issues. Sometimes it is dull and persistent, and sometimes it is sharp and shocking pain. Tooth pain is caused by a variety of factors, including:

Dental Infections: A dental infection in which bacteria and germs are searched into tooth pulp and cause serious tooth pain and inflammation.
Tooth decay:  When the hard outer layer of the tooth wears away, uncovering the sensitive inner layer causes tooth pain.
Gum Disease: Gum diseases are due to bacteria and plaque, which lead to gum swelling and bleeding.
Tooth Sensitivity: Some individuals experience pain with temperature sensitivity, like hot and cold.
Trauma: Accidents and injuries damage the teeth, which cause serious pain.
Bruxism: Teeth grinding or clenching can cause muscle tension and tooth pain.

Understanding Muscle Relaxers:

Muscle relaxers, also called muscle relaxants, are medicines that help relax and calm down tight and tense muscles. They mostly used to ease muscle tension, stiffness, and pain. When your muscles get too tight or have spasms, it can cause discomfort and sometimes even painful. Muscle relaxers work in your body to make these tight muscles loose. Muscle relaxers work by acting on the nervous system, telling nerves to reduce the signal that is sent to muscles. In this way, tight muscles are loose and reduce muscle pain.

Link Between Muscle Relaxers and Tooth Pain Relief

Muscle relaxers cannot directly help to reduce tooth pain. It can help indirectly. There are many reasons for tooth pain, but a patient suffering from bruxism (teeth grinding or clenching) experiences muscle tension in the jaw. This muscle tension usually causes pain. In such cases, dentists and physicians mostly recommend muscle relaxers to reduce muscle tension and indirectly help to get relief from dental pain.

Sometimes patients experience anxiety and stress due to unbearable and persistent dental pain. To deal with these types of muscle tensions, doctors may also prescribe muscle relaxers. In these cases, muscle relaxers reduce anxiety and make the whole experience of pain easier to handle.

Do muscle relaxers help with tooth pain?

Muscle relaxers actually designed to reduce muscle tension and spasms. The primary purpose of muscle relaxers is to manage muscle issues, not tooth pain issues. Although muscle relaxers do not treat tooth pain directly, sometimes they can help ease certain dental issues.
Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ): TMJ disorder is a condition in which the temporomandibular joint is affected; these joints connect the jaw with the skull. TMJ disorder can cause facial pain, headaches, and toothaches. In TMJ disorder, taking muscle relaxers might make the tense muscles in your jaw feel better.
Bruxism (Teeth Grinding): Bruxism becomes the reason for tooth pain, jaw soreness, and headaches. In this case, most doctors recommend muscle relaxers, which can reduce muscle tension and stop tooth grinding and tooth pain.
Anxiety and Tension: Sometimes, when people feel anxious or stressed, it can make tooth pain worse. In these cases, doctors may recommend muscle relaxers at the beginner stage of treatment to help patients feel relaxed and deal with the problems that make their tooth pain worse.

Benefits of Using Muscle Relaxers for Tooth Pain

The use of muscle relaxers is beneficial in certain situations.
Reduced Muscle Tension: Muscle relaxers can help relax your jaw and face muscles. Relaxers can reduce tooth pain, especially if you have TMJ or bruxism.
Pain Management: Muscle relaxers can reduce pain caused by grinding or clenching your teeth and can also relax the tight muscles in your jaw.
Enhanced Treatment Effectiveness: If muscle tension worsens the pain and complicates the treatment, muscle relaxers can be used with other dental treatments for quick and better results.

Considerations and precautions

Although muscle relaxers can help with tooth pain, first understand some critical factors:
Prescription Only: Muscle relaxers are strong medicines that you can only get with a doctor’s permission.
Potential Side Effects: Muscle relaxers have some side effects, like drowsiness and dizziness. They also do not work well with other medicines. It is crucial to connect with doctors to deal with these types of side effects.
Short-Term Use: Muscle relaxers normally work for short-term relief, but they do not work well for a long time.
Addressing the Underlying Cause: Muscle relaxers can provide relief from muscle-related issues, not from dental issues. To get relief from tooth pain, it is important to consult a dentist.
Individual Variations: Muscle relaxers can help some people with tooth pain, but not everyone. It depends from person to person. Some people feel much better with them, but some others may not feel better with them.


Muscle relaxers can help with tooth pain when muscle tightness and spasms are causing the pain, like jaw problems or teeth grinding. But you should only use them for a short time. You also need to get proper dental care to fix the main problem causing the pain. If your teeth hurt, see a dentist. They can make a proper plan that helps you get relief from pain. Don’t try to treat tooth pain on your own. It’s important to have a dentist check and treat you properly.

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