Posted inDental Hygiene

Will Bleach Kill a Tooth Nerve? A Closer Look at Dental Myths

will bleach kill the tooth nerve?

The teeth are the most important part of our mouth. So, taking care of your teeth is important and crucial for your health and well-being. Because it not only helps you to eat everything comfortably but also improves your confidence in your appearance. Many people think that bleach kills tooth nerve and provide relief from dental pain. Is this myth right, or is it dangerous? In this blog post, we will briefly discuss whether this method is effective or provides relief from toothache.

Structure of teeth:

Before we start a discussion on the myth of bleach utilization, it’s important to understand the structure of teeth. Our tooth is divided into three parts: enamel, dentin, and pulp. The pulp is the innermost part of a tooth, which contains nerves and blood vessels. The center part of the pulp is called the pulp chamber. The pulp chamber has fibers and tissues that helps to feel something hot or cold.

Will bleach kill a tooth nerve?

Bleach is a chemical that is used for cleaning purposes. Many people think that bleach kills germs and bacteria in dental pulp. As per perception, after cleaning teeth from the inside, we get relief from dental pain. But in reality, this cannot work like that. In fact, it is dangerous and risky. Before using bleach, you must read these factors.

Chemical Burns:

Bleach is a strong chemical, and our tooth nerve are sensitive because they have soft fibers inside. If bleach touches soft parts of the mouth like the gums and tongue, it may burn the mouth from inside and also cause many detail issues like cavity and tooth loss.


No doubt, bleach is a good cleaning agent. It can kill germs and bacteria. But when we apply bleach to our teeth, it cannot touch the inner part of the teeth. Because teeth have two strong outer layers, These two strong layers (enamel and dentin) protect teeth from harmful things. That’s why, bleach cannot touch, kill, or even damage dental nerves. Therefore, using bleach to kill dental nerves does not work as we hope.

Tooth Damage:

Trying to put bleach on our teeth without a doctor’s help and guidelines can not only damage your tooth nerves but also cause damage to our teeth. It can cause many problems, like cavities and infections. So be careful before applying bleach to your teeth. Doctors can better treat dental problems than you can if you try to do it yourself.

The Safe Alternative: Seeking Professional Dental Care

If you are experiencing a toothache, it is better to consult a dentist for tooth pain relief and not try a DIY home solution. Because dentists have training to find dental problems and their solutions, some common treatments for toothache and tooth nerve pain may include:

Root Canal Therapy:

When the nerves of the tooth are affected or damaged, the dentist commonly recommends root canal therapy. In which the dead tissues of the tooth are removed and the teeth are cleaned from the inside. After cleaning the teeth, the patient gets relief from pain, and the structure of the teeth is preserved.

Pain management: 

When a patient is experiencing a strong toothache, the dentist may also provide meditation and other pain management techniques to get relief from nerve pain and discomfort.

Preventative measures: 

The best way to prevent nerve pain and other dental issues is a regular dental checkup. Maintain a good oral diet and get a break from unhealthy food. Reduce consumption of sugary and acidic foods and beverages. Because they lead to serious dental issues.

Final words:

To sum it up, thinking that bleach can kill dental nerves and reduce dental pain is a dangerous myth. It is better to consult with a professional dentist than try risky remedies at home by themselves. Because dentists know how to diagnose and treat dental problems safely and effectively, professional care is important to make sure your teeth and gums stay healthy for a long time. It’s better to rely on expert help instead of believing in things that aren’t true.

4 thoughts on “Will Bleach Kill a Tooth Nerve? A Closer Look at Dental Myths

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